Saturday, January 31, 2009

lightening strikes

i feel behind. i feel like i don't have a real grasp on the pace of life here yet.

today i have sat down to get some studying done for school. i have a quiz on monday. i really do love my course. a lot actually. more than i thought that i would. but it's the atmosphere. i'm not used to having to work in groups at a peer-to-peer level. i can do this. but i also have the urge to designate tasks. i cannot stand sitting in a circle and people debating about a comfortable topic. oh my.

in unrelated news, i can spend hours clicking links finding random cool things on the internet. and i think i'm going to start to compile a list. but before that, some a random person that i am blown away by.

this man is awesome.
his name is Klaus Nomi. and we share birthdays. so we are connected. it's that simple.

and on snowy days like today....i miss my mountains...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

one day...

so i was clicking along a chain of articles, and i found one that talks about the ten science fiction movies that the author can't wait to share with his kids. this made me think about the movies (not specifically sci-fi) i cannot wait to share with my kids whenever i end up procreating.....

now, some of these movies, well i might have to wait a while to show my kids, but one day i hope that they will love them just as much as i do....

(not a real order, just a list...)

10. peter pan
and the mary martin one too!

9. daisies

8. blade runner

7. soylent green

6. forbidden planet

5. hairspray

4. true romance

3. metropolis

2. amelie

1. labyrinth

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

oh ttc.

sometimes my life feels like this...

well, today's post isn't as informative as the others.

life is coming up pretty good lately. i stayed after class today to sort out an assignment and i must say i have a very diverse class. they are actually pretty hilarious. we all come from very different worlds. it's the most culturally enriched class that i have ever been in, and i love it. there is a lot of work coming up soon, but it's nice to have something to keep me busy and get me back in learning mode. i'm still not adjusted, but i'm getting there.

this weekend was fantastic! i love having so many of my friends around. and dancing was great. i really missed that a lot. it was a perfect way to celebrate getting older. this year i was actually having some anxiety towards my birthday, i'm not sure why. i don't normally look at my age as anything but a number but this year i felt like i didn't want to get older. i'm okay with it now. so far...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

here comes the invisible....

well, i'm sick. not horribly sick. but sick none the less. there are a few culprits that i might blame for this infection...but hopefully i will get better quickly.

so it seems that i've come across another technology related advancement article. and really, it does make me excited. it's like the idea of living in the world of the jetson's, or some other highly advanced civillization.

in Invisibility 'cloak' moves closer to reality, the idea is brought closer to actually happening, no longer is it just something read about in fantasy or sci-fi novels. sure it's not a moving cloak that can be worn by a person. but! it is working and they are working towards manipulating this material into something that can be similar to the ideas in the movies/books. i'm sure the military will be the first ones to push this development. definately. but still, even as a military tool, that is one awesome development.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

i want to fly....

Ok. I'm pretty sure you all are aware of my love for old sci-fi films, which lead to my love of space. And, well, space and technology go hand in hand, yeah I love technology too. But the other day I came across this article... "Up, up, and... oh crap!": Ars reviews Jetpack Dreams ...and it made me wonder... WHY DON'T WE HAVE JET PACKS? But really though, with all the advancements of this modern day, you'd think that we would have developed this rather awesome mode of transportation. I gess a girl can only dream...

related links:
I want a hoverboard...

is our world destined to become this?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

check it!

so i am making the leap.
i guess it only makes sense.
here goes nothing!!